CFE pago en linea | CFE online payment

CFE online payment

How to pay the electricity bill online 🇺🇸

Now, with your computer or mobile device, you can pay for electricity online with the electricity bill. Currently, please note that CFE customers can also go to one of the modules, ATMs, or stores that allow payments to be made.

This payment can also be made from your bank. There are different ways to do this online process.

AVAILABLE BANKS: Santander, BBVA Bancomer, Afirme, BanBanjio, Banco Ahorro Famsa, Banco Azteca, Banco de México, Bancoppel, Banjercito, Banorte, Banregio, Bansefi, CitiBanamex, Inbursa, IXE y HSBC


CFE online payment

CFE Bills: How to pay CFE online Where and how to pay CFE online

CFE account

New user registration

You have two 2 different payment options to pay the electricity bill:

  • ➡️ OPTION 1. Physical payment in person: at any CFEmático, business, store or authorized bank.
  • ➡️ OPTION 2. Online payment: using the CFE contigo mobile app, or if you prefer, your CFE account.

PAYMENT MODE 1. Pay at a CFE ATM (branches), bank or business. If you need contact information to make the payment for your CFE electricity bill in person, you will find it here, either at a CFEmático, business, bank or authorized store.

Do not forget to bring the invoice, electricity bill or smart card corresponding to the electricity account you want to pay.

In the USA you do not have the option 1, so we will ignore it, so you must choose option number 2. Likewise, you do not have the possibility of paying in establishments and stores, a usual management in Mexico.

Except for domiciling the bill in your bank. I recommend reading our complete guide of the bank apps that have the best rating to make the payments for the CFE electricity bill online.

Which US banks can I domicile my CFE electricity bill payments?

The banks that can domicile your CFE payments are Santander, BBVA Bancomer, Afirme, BanBanjio, Banco Ahorro Famsa, Banco Azteca, Banco de México, Bancoppel, Banjercito, Banorte, Banregio, Bansefi, CitiBanamex, Inbursa, IXE and HSBC.

bank cfe

To domicile your payments, you need to have a bank account in any of these banks, from which you can manage your payments.

You also need to have your CFE electricity bill number on hand. Then, you must access your bank's online portal, or its app, and follow the instructions there to domicile your CFE electricity bill payments.

PAYMENT MODE 2. Pay online You also have the option of paying via the internet, with a CFE account, or through the CFE contigo App. You also have a mobile app from your own bank where you can see and make the payment online.

app cfe contigo 2023

CFE Contigo
CFE Contigo
Developer: CFE SSB
Price: Free

DOWNLOAD QR-Code CFE Contigo Developer: CFE SSB Price: Free

➡️ To do it from your CFE account, you must follow the steps listed below:

➡️ Log in to your account To do this, complete your username and password

  • User panel - Remember that you must register before, mandatory. Do it, if you have not done it before, from here
  • ➡️ Register Go to the payment section To make the CFE online payment, you must go to the 'My account' section to "Consult your bill". There you select the service number of the account you want to pay. Then press 'online payment' and finally 'Pay'.

How much I'm going to pay for electricity

Consult, by filling in the data according to your current rate, how much you are going to pay for the electricity bill in these months. To do this, our online CFE electricity bill calculation simulator can help you. This calculation is approximate and you can enter if it is Summer Rate and/or Border Zone.

Additionally, we also leave you the link to access the CFE page where you can find more information on how to pay your electricity bill online, as well as information on rates, services, and promotions.

In addition, you can also contact the CFE customer service to get help with the online payment process or to resolve any questions or issues related to your electricity account.

In summary, there are several options for paying the CFE electricity bill online, either through the CFE contigo mobile app, from your CFE account, or through authorized banks and stores.

It is important to follow the correct steps and have the necessary information before making the payment. If you have any doubts or issues, do not hesitate to contact the CFE customer service for help.

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Pedro Vázquez es especialista en tramitación administrativa y asesor en asuntos públicos en México. Colabora con este sitio para divulgar su experiencia de forma gratuita en el mundo online.

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